
Journal of Research and Education(JRE)

ISSN: 2996-2544 | DOI: 10.33140/JRE

The Refusal of World Governments to Collect Scientific Windfall from the Sky


Luigi Antonio Pezone

A new way of producing the world’s energy by extracting it for free, already cleaned by the gravitational force. The false world scholastic concepts on energy that cannot be produced from nothing and on the impossibility of creating perpetual motion have favored the production of fixed and mobile thermal anthropic energy plants, even if the yields compared to the calorific value of fuels is very low (30 – 40 %) and produce a lot of pollution (SOx, NOx, CO, CO2, and vapour). With the aging of the systems, the efficiency decreases, and in addition to the cost of the fuel, the users must also bear the obligatory costs of the overhauls and maintenance to keep the levels of environmental pollution acceptable. It is evident that despite the many defects, thermal energy from the point of view of power, strength and economy is still the main world energy. But I think that the fault of the current situation is due to the fact that no world public research body has fully done its duty to investigate in a multidisciplinary and impartial way. I'm not referring to individual researchers, as no one can investigate freely, but the union could have been strong if there hadn't been strong conflicts of interest, created specifically by hidden power centers to prevent sustainable inventions from coming out. Such as, for example, the one-way trade of public patents with multinationals, which effectively prevented useful inventions such as those of the rational cleaning of fossil energy from leading precisely, rationally, to the energy extraction system cleaned directly from the environment, without the use of current energy sources, fossil, nuclear, renewable. The rhyme of shows that this could happen. I have always agreed with scientists who assert that the sum total of the energy of the universe equals zero. This does not mean that I believe in perpetual motion which does not produce or consume energy. I simply took note that the energy of the universe comes from nuclear explosions that develop millions of degrees Celsius and are maintained over time for billions of years. This immense amount of energy develops the universal electromagnetism which expands the universe which is always in motion by continuously consuming and renewing energy by means of new nuclear explosions But I realized that the energy of small planets like the Earth, where biological life has developed, is much more delicate and complex and on earth, took 4.5 billion years to be perfect and able to host humans , the first specimens of which have appeared only in the last 300,000 years. If the Earth's gravity had been different, human beings would have appeared earlier or a few billion years later, They would also be physically very different from us, as the evolution of living species is directly linked to the purity of the environment of the planet that hosts them under gravitational and atmospheric pressures. The gravitational force is the predominant factor for the expulsion of toxic gases present in the primordial atmospheres, the creation of its own atmosphere composed of the mixture of clean gases with a prevalence of nitrogen and oxygen, the creation of ocean water, glaciers, lakes, rivers etc. Therefore, the clean primary energy of any planet depends mainly on the fortunate environmental and fluid dynamic coincidences of the atmosphere, on the elasticity and compressibility of the air, the incompressibility of water, but we must also take into account the solubility of atmospheric gases in the water and mineral salts. With these elements available, we can extract all the electrical energy we need, exploiting together the fluid dynamic and electromagnetic principles in mobile fixed plants. As we know, we have had great scientists and inventors who have thoroughly studied and experimented with electromagnetic principles and very few who have studied and experimented with fluid dynamics, which also involve organic and inorganic biochemical processes. No scientist or inventor has ever linked the two systems together, as it was necessary to invent the pump with the double separate power supply up to the impeller and to modify the way of using the autoclaves which must not act as simple actuators or energy absorbers, but as energy accumulators, to statically exploit the air pressure, without dispersing it, along with the biochemical effects involved. Therefore, on planet Earth, at the current state of the art, an efficient development model has been developed only for the electromagnetic part, which has not solved the problems of environmental pollution, the problem of the cost of energy, the problem of transport and the duration of the energy. Basically, the inventions connecting the various branches of science that exist in nature and act at the speeds allowed by the gravitational force and the earth's temperature have notbeen developed on planet Earth. The changes that I have proposed, in forty connected inventions, are precisely the inventions connecting the various branches of science, which lead to the completion of the purification cycles and the direct extraction of energy from the earth's environment. By producing energy in this way, today it would be possible to compensate and locally correct all the natural terrestrial environmental defects: drought, excess heat, lowering of temperatures, desalination, increase in terrestrial and marine food production. We will no longer need to transport energy with current distribution networks; not even the extraction, refining or transport of petroleum products, gas, coal, uranium is necessary, since the primary energy source consists of air and water in their natural state. Users won't have to pay the bills because they will be the producers. The current world governments, without exception, refusing to experiment with the extraction of clean energy from the earth's environment, are refusing a perennial manna fallen from the sky, offered free by Earth's nature. In the year 2023, despite the apparent scientific and technological advances, still no world government has understood the power of scientific windfall. Which does not fall by itself, if we do not trigger it locally by simultaneously exploiting the fluid dynamics and electromagnetic principles. It cannot be a coincidence that none of the inventions collected and described on the website https://www.spawhe. eu has ever been tested by public and private power centers. It cannot be a coincidence that the legislators also demand from the inventor the payment of patent maintenance fees for not recognizing copyrights. Why don't they ask for the payment of these taxes even from writers who can't find publishers and artists who can't sell their works?