
Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics(CRSM)

ISSN: 2994-9459 | DOI: 10.33140/CRSM

Quantum Gravity


Klimets A.P.

The article analyzes the Einstein equations from a quantum theoretical point of view. The basic equation of the quantum gravity and a new uncertainty relation between the Schwarzschild radius and the radial coordinate are obtained. Using the new uncertainty relation, the equations of the general theory of relativity are estimated in relation to the Planck scale. It is established that the lower limit for the space-time scale is justified. The appearance of virtual black holes and wormholes (quantum foam) on the Planck scale is predicted.The three-dimensionality of the observed space is substantiated. A hypothesis has been put forward about the nature of the singularities of black holes and the Metagalaxy.