
Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics(CRSM)

ISSN: 2994-9459 | DOI: 10.33140/CRSM

Proof that the Real Part of All Nontrivial Zeros of Riemann Zeta Functions is 1/2


Li Xiaohui

Riemann hypothesis is that the real part of all nontrivial zeros of Riemann zeta functions is 1/2.Mr. Riemann formed Riemann zeta function by Analytic continuation of Euler zeta function,There are trivial and non trivial zeros in the Riemannian zeta function that make its value zero.Standard By analyzing the Trigonometric functions relationship in the equivalent Algebraic expression of Riemannian zeta function, it is concluded that the real part of all nontrivial zeros is 1/2.