
Journal of Electrical Electronics Engineering(JEEE)

ISSN: 2834-4928 | DOI: 10.33140/JEEE

Impact Factor: 1.29*

Centrality Measures to locate the COI of the Mexican Electricity Grid


Juan M. Ramirez

Centrality measures based on network topology are valuable for decision-making in complex systems. These measures allow the identification of the most essential elements of the network, i.e. those that have the most significant impact on the overall operation of the system. In the case of electricity grids, centrality measurements can be used to identify the most crucial power plants, the most critical transmission lines, or the most vulnerable connection points. This information can be used to improve network planning and control to ensure a reliable and secure electricity supply. In this paper, centrality measures are used to identify those nodes in the Mexican electricity network that are topologically the most relevant. These are used to locate frequency meters that act as critical points for frequency control. Results are presented for an equivalent network of 190 busbars divided into geographical control regions.