
Dermatology Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy(DJCLT)

ISSN: 2835-7329 | DOI: 10.33140/DJCLT

Impact Factor: 1.281

Spectroscopy Study of Packed Erythrocytes Irradiated by 532 nm Low Level Laser


Abbas R Hatif, Nursakinah Suardi, Naser M Ahmed, Ahmed Jumaah Mhawes and Mohmmed Baqer ALKaraawi

Hatif, A. R., Suardi, N., Ahmed, N. M., Mhawes, A. J., AL Karaawi, M. B. (2023). Spectroscopy Study of Packed Erythrocytes Irradiated by 532 nm Low Level Laser. Dearma J Cosmetic Laser Therapy, 2(3), 32-38.

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