
Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics(CRSM)

ISSN: 2994-9459 | DOI: 10.33140/CRSM

Optimization of Hydraulic Simulation, Computational Time, and and Mesh Size of 2D and 3D Models Applied to the Main Open Channel of the Pocsi District, City of Arequipa


Ernesto Yana De La Riva, Sarahid Aleman Durand and Walter Yana De La Riva

Yana, E., Aleman, S., Yana, W. (2023). Optimization of Hydraulic Simulation, Computational Time, and and Mesh Size of 2D and 3D Models Applied to the Main Open Channel of the Pocsi District, City of Arequipa. Curr Res Stat Math, 2(1), 77-96.

Abstract PDF