
Journal of Veterinary Health Science(JVHS)

ISSN: 2831-3887 | DOI: 10.33140/JVHS

Impact Factor: 0.762

Effect of a New Type of Food Supplement (Live and Healthy Nutrition) on Changes in T3, T4, and TSH Hormones in Male Rat Lead Acetate Recipient


Azam Bayat, Aref Khalkhali, Ali Reza Mahjoub

Azam Bayat, Aref Khalkhali and Ali Reza Mahjoub. (2022). Effect of a New Type of Food Supplement (Live and Healthy Nutrition) on Changes in T3, T4, and TSH Hormones in Male Rat Lead Acetate Recipient. J Vet Heal Sci, 3(1), 106-112.

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