
Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences(JHSS)

ISSN: 2690-0688 | DOI: 10.33140/JHSS

Impact Factor: 1.1

Theological Cosmological Concept of the Purpose of Perfect Person


EG Bryndin

According to the Bible, Eternal Nature, the dark abyss, and the changeable Nature constitute the Infinite Cosmos (Genesis 1:1). Eternal Nature consists of the Perfect Creative Substance and the water element. The perfect Creative Substance conquers the dark abyss, revitalizing the water element. The perfect Creation Substance expands the space of the variable Nature in Infinite Space. The perfect Creative Substance is called God. God is a good basis for harmony. He works for the benefit of the Harmony of the changeable Nature. God created a hierarchy of angels and man in a spiritual image and likeness. God has armies of bright angels. People are taller than angels. "Jesus answered them: Is it not written in your law: I said, you are gods (John 10:34). I said, you are gods, and the sons of the Most High are all of you (Psalm 81:6). " The arguments of the highest dignity of man before angels are: the embodiment of the Son of God into human nature; He made his son the heir to everything through which he created forever; The son sat on the Odessa throne of greatness at an altitude; about man it is said that he was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1, 26). Man is capable of creativity, and the most diverse, and needlework, and intellectual, and musical, and poetic, which is related to him with the First Form - God, the Creator. I betrayed my heart in order to examine and experience wisdom everything that is done under heaven: this difficult occupation God gave the sons of men to exercise in him (Ecclesiastes 1:13). The works of the Lord are great; they are eager for all who love them (Psalm 110:2). After the general resurrection, the Creator will form a creative human society for cosmological service. For to the man who is good before him, he gives wisdom and knowledge and joy (Ecclesiastes 2:26).