
Petroleum and Chemical Industry International(PCII)

ISSN: 2639-7536 | DOI: 10.33140/PCII

Impact Factor: 0.719

The One Two Punch Warm Alaskan Winters Global Warming


William P Sokeland

People in Alaska have been suffering due to the absence of sea ice and the warm Winters of 2017-18 and 2018-19 affecting their livelihood. The weather has taken to very unusual conditions in the winter. Weathermen have done an excellent job of reporting the occurring conditions. The high pressure ridges of weather school 101 have been blamed for the poor winter conditions. The real reason for the trouble is the impacts of exploding stars discussed in a number of papers as the SNIT theory. The major exploding stars being considered also cause heat waves in Sweden, Pakistan, and India with deaths and drought in Pakistan and India at the same time they are melting sea ice in the Antarctic. The variation of Earth’s average temperature confirms the SNIT theory