
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Biology(JPNB)

ISSN: 2573-9611 | DOI: 10.33140/JPNB

Impact Factor: 1.75*

Enterobacter Asburea in Intravenous Infection in Neonatal Born


Nahid Mahir, Fatiha Bennaoui, Fatima ezzohra Elhanafi, Nabila soraa, Nadia Elidrissi Slitine, Fadl Mrabih Rabou Maoulainine

Introduction: Enterobacter asburiae (E. asburiae) is a facultative anaerobic rarely isolated in neonatal care; the nosocomial infections continue to be a serious problem, associated with increased mortality rates, immediate and long-term morbidity, prolonged hospital stays, and increased cost of care, because of resistant of this specie.

Objective: it’s un nosocomial infection of blood, that the first time it’s determined in neonatal hospitalization CHU Mohamed VI Marrakech.

Observation: We report in this subject a case of a preterm baby had a septicemia secondary to enterobacter asburea it’s the first time this mirogerme founded in CHU, resulting from contaminated intravenous fluid hospitalized in neonatal care unit, in CHU Mohamed VI Marrakech

Conclusion: The case reported in this work pushes us to deepen investigations concerning the resistance and the clinical evolution of the affected patients.