
Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics(CRSM)

ISSN: 2994-9459 | DOI: 10.33140/CRSM

Double Field Theory: Uniting Gauge and Gravity Theories Through the Double Copy of Yang-Mills


Riddhiman Bhattacharya

In the realm of theoretical physics, scientists have long been intrigued by the link between gauge theories and gravity. This study explores a fascinating idea called the” double copy technique,” which reveals a deep connection between these two seemingly different theories. While gauge theories, like Yang-Mills, describe basic interactions in a simple and elegant way, gravity, despite its symmetry, is a complex and challenging theory in the quantum world. This paper investigates the” double field theory” (DFT) and its connection to the double copy method. This connection shows that gauge and gravity theories are remarkably similar at the quantum level. The double copy technique essentially transforms gravity into a sort of” squared” gauge theory, offering insights into how color and movement are related in gauge theories. By carefully studying the math and important equations, this paper explains how this connection is tied to the idea of color and movement duality. The study concludes by introducing the DFT action, which is derived through the double copy method and doesn’t rely on a specific background. This surprising result highlights how the complexity of gravity can be beautifully linked to the simplicity of Yang-Mills theory [1].