
Petroleum and Chemical Industry International(PCII)

ISSN: 2639-7536 | DOI: 10.33140/PCII

Impact Factor: 0.719

Detection Mechanism and Principles of the Multinanozyme Systems as the New Generation of Nanozyme-Mediated Sensing Assays: A Critical Review


Saeed Reza Hormozi Jangi

Nanozymes are defined as nanoscale materials with enzyme-like properties. Due to their higher stability and lower cost than native enzymes, nanozymatic systems have been utilized for several practical applications, especially for sensing and detection. Most of the common nanozymatic sensors are single-nanozyme-based systems, however, recently a new generation of nanozyme-based systems called “multinanozyme system’ was introduced by Hormozi Jangi et al. (2020). Since the first report of multinanozyme systems, several multinanozyme systems have been developed and utilized for highly sensitive and selective sensing aims. The main advantages of multinanozyme systems compared of common single- nanozymatic sensors are their impact on simultaneous enhancing selectivity and sensitivity of detection systems along with improving the kinetics performances of system via applying two nanozymes with identical enzyme mimic activity (e.g., two peroxidase mimics) in a well-designed detection process. Since, the principles of design and detection mechanism of this new generation is not well-described in the literature, the aim of this article is the fast review of the principles of design of this new generation of nanozyme-based sensing and detection. Besides, the mechanism of the multinanozyme detection system was also described and reviewed.