
Journal of Current Trends in Computer Science Research(JCTCSR)

ISSN: 2836-8495 | DOI: 10.33140/JCTCSR

Impact Factor: 0.98*

Aims and Scope

Journal DOI: 10.33140/JCTCSR

Journal of Current Trends in Computer Science Research is an online open-access journal that provides an advanced forum for articles related to Current Trends in Computer Science Research. Following are some of the fields that the journal covers:


Computer Science

Artificial intelligence

Computer security

Big Data Analysis

ComputerHuman Interaction

Biometrics and bio-informatics


Cloud Computing

Data Management and Databases

Communication Network

Data Mining

Communication Network and Information technology

Database management system

Computational Biology

Database management systems

Computer Architecture


Computer engineering

Embedded systems

Computer graphics


Spam Regulation

Information Systems

Theory of Computing

Information Technology

Virtual Reality

Machine Learning

Visual Communication System

Mobile Computing

VLSI design and testing

Neural Networks

Web Designing

Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence

Wireless Sensor networks

Optical integrated security

Software engineering

Programming Language

Software Testing


Software Testing & Hardware Technology