
Advances in Nutrition & Food Science(ANFS)

ISSN: 2572-5971 | DOI: 10.33140/ANFS

Impact Factor: 1.12*

Research protocol for a before-during comparison of the Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity, sedentary and dietary behaviour of School-going Adolescents in Punjab, India (ICPASA study)


Supriya Thapar, Maartje Willeboordse, Onno C P Van Schayck, Anita Vreugdenhil, J S Thaku

Supriya Thapar., Maartje Willeboordse., Onno C P Van Schayck., Anita Vreugdenhil., J S Thakur. (2022). Research protocol for a before-after comparison of the Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity, sedentary and dietary behaviour of School-going Adolescents in Punjab, India (ICPASA study). Adv Nutr Food Sci, 7(1), 128-134.

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