
International Internal Medicine Journal(IIMJ)

ISSN: 2837-4835 | DOI: 10.33140/IIMJ

Impact Factor: 1.02

Muscle Fatigue Analysis and Stress Detection from Surface EMG and ECG Data Obtained Using Deep Learning for Upper-Limb Trauma Rehabilitation


Emnet Kebede Worassa, Kinde Anlay Fante, Genet Tadese Aboye and Ewunate Assaye Kassaw

Worassa, E. K., Fante, K. A., Aboye, G. T., Kassaw, E. A. (2024). Muscle Fatigue Analysis and Stress Detection from Surface EMG and ECG Data Obtained Using Deep Learning for Upper-Limb Trauma Rehabilitation. Int Internal Med J, 2(3), 01-09.

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