
Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care Research(JCPCCR)

ISSN: 2832-2584 | DOI: 10.33140/JCPCCR

Impact Factor: 1.10*

Infantile Autism and Rehabilitation Assistance during the Period of the Quarantine Forced By Coronavirus Case Report


Gentile G, Rizzano V, Coppola MT, Gargano A, Scoppa G, Pagano MC

Gentile G, Rizzano V, Coppola MT, Gargano A, Scoppa G, Pagano MC. (2021). Infantile Autism and Rehabilitation Assistance during the Period of the Quarantine Forced By Coronavirus Case Report. J Cli Ped Chi Res, 2(1): 22-25.

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