
Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care Research(JCPCCR)

ISSN: 2832-2584 | DOI: 10.33140/JCPCCR

Impact Factor: 1.10*

Infantile Autism and Rehabilitation Assistance during the Period of the Quarantine Forced By Coronavirus Case Report


Gentile G, Rizzano V, Coppola MT, Gargano A, Scoppa G, Pagano MC

The data concerning the Coronavirus 2019-nCov identify minors with complex chronic pathologies a population at increased risk and therefore neuromotor disability represents a target in need of particular attention. And in fact, ministerial and regional directives have recommended to family members and caregivers of fragile children to engage in behavior aimed at reducing the risk of contagion, including, among other things, the reduction of access to health and rehabilitation services for elective services.