
Journal of Educational & Psychological Research(JEPR)

ISSN: 2690-0726 | DOI: 10.33140/JEPR

Impact Factor: 0.655*

Using Motivational Interviewing Within School Consultations


Louise Jones and Cathy Atkinson

Literature suggests motivational interviewing (MI) could be integrated into school consultative practice, although this has yet to be empirically investigated. MI helps promote consultee autonomy and self-efficacy, recognises practitioner experience, and could be a useful approach for supporting teachers and school-based practitioners. The current research is an empirical investigation into the integration of MI into educational psychology (EP) consultative practice. Three qualified UK-based EPs took part in semi-structured interviews after applying MI within their consultative practice over a seven-month period. Results indicated that all three participants perceived benefits and felt that the application of MI was consistent with their practice philosophy. However, all acknowledged that integrating it into consultative practice was more difficult than anticipated. Implications would include additional opportunities for EP training and reflection, and further research would be required to ascertain the usefulness of MI-based consultation for school-based practitioners.