
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

The Crucial Concept of Resonance for Ground-Breaking Perspective on Light Wave


Walter Ruh, Ahmet Karaarslan and Rahmi Elagib

This paper discusses the crucial concept of resonance between potential and kinetic energy as the fundamental mechanism responsible for generating all types of waves, including light waves. The paper introduces a groundbreaking perspective on light waves by drawing comparisons with mechanical waves and suggesting a connection between potential energy (pressure) and kinetic energy (density). Furthermore, the paper delves into the idea of particles reaching velocities beyond the speed of light by √3 within an ideal gas medium, supported by rigorous logical reasoning. It also advocates for the existence of an unseen, widespread space medium, which challenges established principles in physics. This fresh perspective revolutionizes our comprehension of light waves and calls for a profound revaluation of fundamental properties within the universe.