
Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture Research(JAHR)

ISSN: 2643-671X | DOI: 10.33140/JAHR

Impact Factor: 1.12*

Texture Profile and Design of Food Product


Techane Alemu

Texture refers to surface characteristics and appearance of an object given by the size, shape, and density as well properties of a food that sensed by touch in the mouth and with the hands. We use many words to describe food texture foods can be soft or hard, mushy or crunchy, or smooth or lumpy. Texture is important to the enjoyment and acceptability of foods. Texture profile analysis is the measurement and description of the textural properties of food. Texture Profile Analysis is a popular double compression test for determining the textural properties of foods. The textural identity of any food is rarely a simple matter of understanding a singular attribute such as hardness or cohesiveness. The texture of any food is multi-faceted and tied to consumers' sensory expectations. It is not sufficient to deliver a food with a target hardness and springiness value if consumers do not like it and it does not meet their expectations for that food type. Depending on the textural attributes sought after by our clients we occasionally recommend capturing either chewiness or gumminess. Adhesiveness is a popular TPA parameter for deferent foods. An important factor in consumers’ acceptability, beyond visual appearance and taste, is food texture. The elderly and people with dysphagia are more likely to present malnourishment due to visually and texturally unappealing food. Texture of food materials plays a key role in consumer acceptance and market value. Texture features are considered important from both quality assurance and food safety perspectives. Therefore, through customer feedback and extensive testing Texture Technologies has narrowed its recommended primary TPA characteristics to include hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and resilience.