
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research(JPR)

ISSN: 2573-962X | DOI: 10.33140/JPR

Study of Technological Parameters of Antioxim Compound Medicine


Yunusova Holida and Ismailova Feruza

This work is the first scientific study on the development of the composition and technology of a new antioxidant agent based on a combination of extracts of tree medicinal plants and the study of the technological parameters of a dry ex- tract. Further draw up technological regulations for their production and their introduction into production. This study aims to the antioxidant activity of dry extract "Antioxim" was determined. In order to create this herbal collection of plant, first of all, to study the technological parameters of raw materials, such as mass size, porosity, dispersibility, free volume of layers of raw materials, water absorption coefficient of extractives, and technological process efficiency to study the effect of parameters, developed at the Department of "Industrial Technology of Medicines" of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute.