
Current Trends in Mass Communication(CTMC)

ISSN: 2993-8678 | DOI: 10.33140/CTMC

Single country multiple perspectives – media discourses on North Korea in global news stations - CNN, CCTV and Al Jazeera


Lukasz Nowacki

This study examines mainstream news media framing of North Korea based on selected events that attracted the attention of media stations around the world in 2018. The reporting of CNN, CGTN and Al Jazeera allowed for a comparative analysis of dominant ideological and political biases transpiring in the articles with particular inclinations as to the framing trends that pertain in each news provider. The findings revealed dominant US hegemonic tendencies that strongly influence the lexical as well as factual content of the publications. At the same time the Chinese reporting was found to be in total opposition to their American counterpart with their own style, ideology and particular limitations dominating the discourse. The Middle Eastern news station turned out to be the most disengaged and providing most balanced reporting with clear and structured reports mainly void of particular stances.