
Archives of Epidemiology & Public Health Research(AEPHR)

ISSN: 2833-4353 | DOI: 10.33140/AEPHR

Impact Factor: 1.98

Scientific Nursing Introducing The Importance Of Approval Of Pl 2564/2020: Agreement Between Nurses From Northeastern States Of Brazil


Mauricio Caxias De Souza

Amending Law No. 7,498, of June 25, 1986, to establish the national salary floor for Nurses, Nursing Technicians, Nursing Assistants and Midwives. The National Congress decrees: Art. 1st Law No. 7,498, of June 25, 1986, becomes effective with the addition of the following art. 15-A: “Art. 15-A. Objective: To present the Importance of the Approval of Pl 2564/2020 and the Pact Between Nurses from Northeastern States of Brazil. Method: This is a discursive, qualitative, reflection-action study. Results: the minimum wage for nursing in Brazil was approved, awaiting the sanction of the presidency of the republic. The importance of subsidizing care as a social security right is noted in the constitutional amendments.