
International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology(IJCED)

ISSN: 2476-2415 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCED

Impact Factor: 1.9

Role of Non Androgenic Factors in Hair loss and Hair Regrowth


Rajendrasingh Rajput

Multiple nutritional, environmental and lifestyle factors can directly affect hair follicles, to weaken and make them sensitive to the action of androgens. Hair loss can be corrected and hair growth can be improved by addressing these non-androgenic factors. Patients having hair fall, thinning, loss of volume and poor growth can be precursors to androgenetic alopecia. Recent research has shown that androgens inhibit hair growth through release of Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) ß1. Further study of this mechanism reveals that generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) induced by androgens leads to release of TGF ß1 and use of ROS scavengers can block the release of TGF ß1, explaining beneficial role of antioxidants in hair growth. The binding of ROS to intracellular proteins also causes hair loss by altering the protein structure, changing their immune recognition and converting them to new antigens targeted by inflammatory and immune systems. Calorie restriction and individual micronutrient deficiencies lead to a new process of intracellular destruction or autophagy before cell apoptosis, which could explain cessation of hair growth. Telogen is not a resting phase but now defined as active conservation of follicles under unfavourable conditions. Thus any stress, trauma, metabolic change or insult causes telogen. Micronutrients zinc, copper, selenium maintains immunity, control inflammation and preserve antioxidant activity of the cells. Vitamins A, C, D have a role in phagocytosis and antibodies maintaining resistance. Vitamin D3 modulates the hair-inductive capacity of dermal papilla cells. Vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent among all the population of the world. Nutritive value of the foods has reduced over the years by 30%. Endocrine Disrupting chemicals are creating further damage to the hormonal balance of the body. All these can be countered by use of antioxidants and a well-planned nutritional program which will ensure strengthening and regrowth of hair follicles, without the use of Finasteride.