
International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology(IJCED)

ISSN: 2476-2415 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCED

Impact Factor: 1.9

Retinoids in Lichen Planus Pigmentogenes


Kenza Barbri, Fouzia Hali and Soumia Chiheb

Lichen planus pigmentosum (LPP) is an uncommon variant of Li- chen plan clinically characterized by lichenoid lesions of photoex- posed. Pruritus may be present in the early active phase, and the disease often has a prolonged clinical course [1].

There is no effective treatment for LPP. Various therapeutic mo- dalities such as topical tacrolimus, topical and systemic cortico- steroids, high-dose vitamin A and lasers have been tried with no prometting results [2-6]. Isotretinoin is a first generation retinoid discovered in 1952 and was approved by the FDA for the treatment of nodulokystic acne in 1982. Isotretinoin anti-inflammatory prop- erties have allowed it to be used in disorders other than acne. Its adverse effects range from simple xerosis to teratogenicity. There have been a few isolated reports of isotretinoin (topical/systemic) efficiency in the treatment of LPP but its role in LPP has not yet been totally elucidated [7,8]. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and safety of low-dose isotretinoin in the treatment of LPP.