
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Biology(JPNB)

ISSN: 2573-9611 | DOI: 10.33140/JPNB

Impact Factor: 1.75*

Psycho-Oncology: Cancer Awareness, Lifestyles, Causes, Impacts, Support, Preventions and Management


Ayodele Oluwole Ojebiyi

The study reviews peoples’ experiences with cancer, the behavioral aspect of coping with cancer; cancer awareness; causes, psychological impacts and support, diagnosis and cancer management. Literature searches were centered on all types of cancer affecting people like breast, cervical etc, causes, awareness, diagnosis, psycho-social support and management. Cochrane, Medline, PsycINFO and, web sites of Globocon International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) i.e. were meticulously searched for using keywords such as breast, lung, cervical cancer psychosocial support & screening, diagnosis, causes, awareness, prevention among other terms. Foods that contain high oxidants such as ripe banana as well as a banana which help to enhance our immune system. Lycopene has an oxidant which helps in cancer reduction. Fruits and vegetables that are full of vitamins & nutrients are capable of reducing cancer risk. Tomatoes, grapes and olive oil, broccoli, and cabbage among others slow the growth of cancers. Surgery, radiography, cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormone therapy are frequently used in combination.