
Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Child Care Research(JCPCCR)

ISSN: 2832-2584 | DOI: 10.33140/JCPCCR

Impact Factor: 1.10*

Prevalence Incidence of Erbs Palsy in Ikwere LGA of Rivers State, Nigeria


Chinonso Vincent Nweke, Anelechi Kenneth Madume, John Nwolim Paul, Woroma Wonodi and Chioma Akun-naya Ohanenye

The highest number of women (n=22) 41% fall within the age range of 20-25years, the lowest age bracket being n = (6) 3% with the age range of 35-40years, 35% (n=18) for 14-20years, 15% (n=10) for 25-35years and 6% for the age range of 30-35years respectively. Greater number of mothers having kids with Erb’s palsy falls within the age range of 20-25years. 54% (n=31) of the mothers did not attend basic education, 3% (1) attained to the level of MSc/PhD, 20% (15) attained High school, 14% (n=10) has OND and 9% has BSc respectively. 0% is strongly knowledgeable about Erb’s palsy, 52% (n=39) where strongly not Aware of the condition, 38% (n=18) where not-Aware while 10% (n=6) where Aware. 32 medical professionals where involved. 45% (n=15) are strongly aware of the condition Erb’s palsy, None is strongly not Aware, 45% (n=15) where just Aware, while 10% (n=2) is Not Aware.. From the data, none of the mothers reported the cases within days of presentation. Some believed it would resolve on its own. 10% (n=2) reported within weeks, 23% (15) reported within 3-6months, 28% (n=17) reported within 6months to 1year, while 39% (n=29) reported between 1years – 5years.