
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Biology(JPNB)

ISSN: 2573-9611 | DOI: 10.33140/JPNB

Impact Factor: 1.75*

Noma-A Mysterious and Mutilating Disease


Prof. Ant�nio Gentil Martins

Noma is a gangrenous and necrotizing stomatitis, of uncertain etiology, starting as a periodontal infection and necrotizing gin- givitis, having as predisposing factors, poverty, malnutrition, inadequate oral hygiene, imuno-deficiencies and debilitating diseases (ex.measles) been even called “the Face of Poverty” It is a mutilating disease, fortunately rare, destroying facial soft tissues and even bone, of unpredictable severity although au- to-limited, and that still persists in developing Countries (having a mortality over 90%!) The children that survive have generally severe problems, like extensive facial mutilation, trismus speech difficulties and salivary reduction. This paper is aimed at empha- sizing the place of plastic surgery repair.