
International Journal of Forensic Research(IJFR)

ISSN: 2767-2972 | DOI: 10.33140/IJFR

Minor Girl died not due to wild Animals but, was murdered after Rape Bid in Rural Maharashtra - Proved by incorporation of ABO grouping & DNA Typing


S R Khairkar, B T Shah, C U Chavan, V V Patil and S V Ghumatkar

Increasing crime rate, in the modern era, has prompted the scientists to update fast and effective forensic blueprint to distinguish between guilty and innocent. In a rape and murder case, confirming the victim's identity is a critical step in the investigation. Additionally, DNA evidence can be pivotal in identifying potential suspects and linking them to the crime. If a suspect's DNA matches the DNA evidence found at the crime scene or on the victim, it can provide strong evidence of their involvement in the crime.

Herein, the incident you described appears to be a tragic and unfortunate event. It seems that there was initially confusion surrounding the cause of the girl's death, with authorities suspecting that she may have been attacked by a wild animal. This suspicion led some individuals to mistakenly admit to her murder, believing that she had already been killed by the animal. In such cases, it is crucial for law enforcement agencies to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the actual cause of death and gather evidence to identify any responsible parties. Autopsies, forensic examinations, and interviews with witnesses and potential suspects are standard procedures in such cases. It's essential to allow the investigative process to take its course to ensure that justice is served and that the facts surrounding the incident are established accurately. Additionally, efforts should be made to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, such as enhancing safety measures in forested areas or educating the public about wildlife encounters.