
Journal of Surgery Care(JSC)

ISSN: 2834-5274 | DOI: 10.33140/JSC

Impact Factor: 1.03

Magnitude of Long-acting and permanent family planning practice and its factors among contraceptive users: a cross-sectional study


Alemu Abebe Wondyfraw, Nigussie Assefa Kassaw

Background Poor contraceptive use increases the risk of unintended pregnancies that likely end up with mortality and morbidities among women and children. To circumvent this and further adverse health outcomes, long-acting and permanent contraceptive methods are the most effective method. However, studies done so far on longacting and permanent family planning methods in Ethiopia reflected the urban settings while this study explored the prevalence and associated factors of long-acting and permanent family planning methods use among current family planning users largely on the rural women of Ethiopia. Methods The study was a facility-based cross-sectional design. The respondents were randomly selectedThe binary regression model was used to analyse the association. Results The total number of respondents was 356 with 93% responding rate. The prevalence of long-acting and permanent family planning methods among current family planning users was 32.3%. The multivariable regression model showed that the odds of long-acting and permanent family planning methods use were statistically significant among women aged 25-34 years was 5.10 [AOR=5.10; 95% CI: (1.48, 17.59)] compared with 15-24 years age group; women completed secondary education were 4.16 [AOR=4.16; 95% CI: (1.32, 13.10)] against women who had no formal education; women who had a positive attitude were 3.05 [AOR=3.05; 95% CI: (1.45, 6.43)] compared to women who had a negative attitude; and women satisfied with facility care were 2.08 [AOR=2.08; 95% CI: (1.01, 4.31)] compared to its counterparts. Besides, preference to short-acting contraceptives, fear of contraceptive side effects and method misconception are reported as common reasons for non-preference of the long-acting and permanent family planning methods. Conclusion The long-acting and permanent family planning method utilization was low. The study indicated significant factors and common reasons for low use of long-acting and permanent family planning methods among women who are current family planning users. Therefore, we suggest the need to provide continuous education and awareness creation about long-acting and permanent family planning methods. Unequivocally, enabling work environments and staffs service delivery towards client service satisfaction is paramount important