
Cardiology: Open Access(COA)

ISSN: 2476-230X | DOI: 10.33140/COA

Impact Factor: 1.85*

Long Covid Syndrome: A Multi Organ Disorder


Nicholas L DePace, Joe Colombo

Long-COVID Syndrome, a multi-organ disorder, that persists beyond 12 weeks post-acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection COVID-19. Here we provide a definition for this syndrome and discuss the organs that are involved. The involvement of multiple organs is due to that fact that angiotensin converting enzyme-2 receptors (the entry points for the virus), inflammation and oxidative stress (the immediate effects of the virus) effect all systems of the body. We suggest that this is then perpetuated by a resulting autonomic dysfunction. Since the autonomic dysfunction also effects all systems of the body, the initial infection is compounded and perpetuated by the resulting autonomic dysfunction underlying the Long-COVID Syndrome. We discuss the symptoms and suggest therapies that target the underlying autonomic dysfunction to relieve the symptoms, rather than merely treating symptoms. In addition to treating the autonomic dysfunction, the therapy also treats chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. To fully document the autonomic dysfunction, a full assessment of the autonomic nervous system is recommended, including Cardio-Respiratory Monitoring. Specific measurements of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic activity, both at rest and in response to challenges, connects all symptoms of Long-COVID to the documented autonomic dysfunction(s)