
Cardiology: Open Access(COA)

ISSN: 2476-230X | DOI: 10.33140/COA

Impact Factor: 1.85*

Left Atrial Myxoma A Clinical Case


Juan Francisco Perez Salum

Cardiac tumors are generally benign. But its danger lies not in its potential malignancy, but in its location. These tumors settle inside the cardiac cavities, at the origin or mouth of the great vessels or even on the valves. This can obviously lead to life-threatening complications, either due to mechanical causes or disturbances in the electrical conduction of the heart. Cardiac tumors are very rare and occur in both neonates and the elderly. These tumors can be confused with thrombi, abscesses or vegetations, so a correct diagnosis is essential [1]. Echocardiography is a very important diagnostic tool and its appearance allowed the early diagnosis of these tumors, which were previously diagnosed only post mortem [2]. Here I present a case of a Japanese 66 years old female, in treatment since March 2013 for hyperthyroidism, in use of metimazol 5 mg/24 hs, propanolol 10 mg/24 hs. She is not diabetic, nor hypertensive, but she has dyslipidemia [3].