
Advances in Bioengineering and Biomedical Science Research(ABBSR)

ISSN: 2640-4133 | DOI: 10.33140/ABBSR

Impact Factor: 1.7

Innovative Test Bench for RF and High-Voltage Component Characterization for MRI Applications: A Comprehensive Review


Zaineb Jebri, Mahfoudh Taleb Ali, Malek Belouda and Abdelkader Mami

This scientific paper presents a detailed exploration of the electrical characterization of commercially available trimmers, conducted in collaboration with Siemens Medical. The study encompasses the establishment of a specialized measurement bench for impulse mode electrical tests, involving the adaptation of the signal generator with an adjustable supercapacitor and variable inductance. For precise measurements, a carefully designed filtering system prevents voltage overshoots.

Given the critical sensitivity of voltage and frequency measurements for passive components in RF and high-voltage applications, the methodology is further refined to achieve optimal compromises across various parameters. The primary objective remains the determination of the voltage across the evaluated capacitor using the proportionality coefficient α, essential for accurate trimmer characterizations.

In this paper, useful insights are provided into the electrical characterization of trimmers, as well as a refined methodology designed for RF and high-voltage applications. The findings presented herein enhance our understanding of trimmer behavior, offering potential implications for improved component selection and performance in a range of electrical systems.