
Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM)

ISSN: 2834-7706 | DOI: 10.33140/JMTCM

Impact Factor: 1.3

Fuzzy Dynamic Fuzzy Sets. Variable Fuzzy Hierarchical Dynamic Fuzzy Structures (Models, Operators) for Dynamic, Singular, Hierarchical Fuzzy Sets. FUZZY PROGRAM OPERATORS ffSprt, fftprS, ffS1epr, ffSeprt1


Oleksandr Danilishyn and Illia Danilishyn

The purpose of the article is to create new constructive mathematical fuzzy objects for new technologies, in particular for a fundamentally new type of neural network with parallel computing, in particular for creating artificial intelligence, but this is not the main task of a neural network, and not with the usual parallel computing through sequential computing. Significance of the article: in a new qualitatively different approach to the study of complex processes through new mathematical, fuzzy hierarchical, fuzzy dynamic fuzzy structures, in particular those processes that are dealt with by Synergetics. Here is to create new fuzzy fprogram operators for a fundamentally new type of neural network with parallel computing, and not with the usual parallel computing through sequential computing.