
Journal of Applied Material Science & Engineering Research(AMSE)

ISSN: 2689-1204 | DOI: 10.33140/AMSE

Impact Factor: 1.08

Estimation of Organ Impact by Relative Energy Associated with Higher-Frequency Glucose Components using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 290)


Gerald C. Hsu

This paper describes the author’s estimation of the relative energy associated with higher-frequency glucose components. During this research, he attempted to develop a simplified yet practical “equation” for calculating his estimated relative energy. His ultimate goal is to identify the degree of impact or damage to the human internal organs due to excessive energy caused by hyperglycemia in diabetes patients. He has applied his developed GH-Method: math-physical medicine (MPM) approach to conduct this medical research. By using his own ~33,000 glucose data for the past 129 days; he has identified ~20% of relative glucose energy associated with higher-frequency glucose components, which is 67% of the total frequency numbers.