
Cardiology: Open Access(COA)

ISSN: 2476-230X | DOI: 10.33140/COA

Impact Factor: 1.85*

Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of the Arotic Root Ventricular Ganglionated Plexi on Electrical and Structural Remodling in Dogs with Heart Failure


Hong-Tao Wang, Fei-Fei Su, Di Zeng, Boyuan-Fan, Jun Li, Qiang-sun Zheng

Low-level electrical stimulation (LL-ES) of aortic root ventricular ganglionated plexi (GP) was proved to be antiarrhythmic in the initiation of AF mediated by autonomic nervous system. However,it is still uncertain whether LL-ES of the ventricular GP can reverse the structural remodeling of myocardial fibrosis and atrial enlargement following heart failure by attenuating the sympathetic tone. Therefore,this review will give an general argument on this topic.