
Journal of Clinical Review & Case Reports(JCRC)

ISSN: 2573-9565 | DOI: 10.33140/JCRC

Impact Factor: 1.823

Cystic lymphangioma, incidental finding after pocus in outpatient pediatrics consultation


Maria Teresa Alcolea Saez, Enrique Montano Navarro, Qingyan Zeng, Tania Sanchez Gonzalez, Gloria Egido Reyes, María Rodriguez Ortega

Cystic lymphangioma is a malformation of the lymphatic system, generally asymptomatic and rare in paediatric age. We present the case of a 14-year-old girl who underwent a bedside ultrasound (POCUS: Point of Care Ultrasound) from the primary care paediatrics’ consultation. A hypoechoic and septate cystic mass was found in the hypogastrium. She was diagnosed of cystic lymphangioma after completing the study with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment consisted of sclerotherapy without recurrence after 2 years of follow-up. The routine use of POCUS from primary care can contribute to the early detection of asymptomatic abdominal lesions.