
Cardiology: Open Access(COA)

ISSN: 2476-230X | DOI: 10.33140/COA

Impact Factor: 1.85*

Clinical-Epidemiological Profile of Congenital And Acquired Heart Diseases Admitted To A Private Hospital


Gustavo Foronda, Vanessa Ferreira Amorim de Melo, Samia Medeiros Barbar, Renata Fogarolli, Carlos Eduardo Tossuniam, Santiago Raul Arrieta

Objectives: To characterize the clinical-epidemiological profile of children with heart diseases (congenital, acquired and arrhythmias), conducted by the pediatric cardio group of a private general hospital, from January 2016 to March 2020.

Method: Retrospective longitudinal observational interference study, with quantitative design, carried out in a private hospital. A total of 502 patients were selected according to the following inclusion criteria: patients who had congenital heart disease, acquired heart disease and arrhythmia, all managed by the pediatric cardiomyopathy group. Descriptive analysis of absolute and relative frequencies were represented through tables and graphs.

Results: Of the 502 patients included in the study, 86.5% had congenital heart disease, 7.7% acquired heart disease and 5.8% arrhythmias. 50.2% were female, 49.6% male and 0.2% were not defined so far. Prematurity occurred in 19.3% of cases, the presence of syndromes in 31.2 % and associated comorbidities in 34.7%. In total, 530 procedures were performed, of which 77% were surgeries, 18.5% were hemodynamic procedures, and 4.5% hybrid procedures. A risk score called RACHS-1 (adjusted risk for surgery and congenital heart disease) was used to categorize the surgeries. There was a predominance of category 3 (38.4%), followed by category 2 (28.6%), category 1 (18.2%), category 4 (9.6%) and category 6 (5.2%).

Conclusions: The complexity of the profile of the found heart diseases reiterates that measures are needed for an integrated approach of different specialties and professionals for the treatment of these patients.