
Advances in Sexual & Reproductive Health Research(ASRHR)

ISSN: 2832-7748 | DOI: 10.33140/ASRHR

Impact Factor: 1.02*

Basic Study of a Breast Cancer Epidemiology among the Female Patients Using a Regional Data Source: Case of Chlef Region, Algeria


Maamar Boukabcha

Purpose: Breast cancer is a public health problem. It impact given several, important consequences for reducing this disease. We did this study to know the situation of breast cancer and the development of cancer registry.

Methods: Epidemiological, statistical and computer tools are used to collect, analysis and process of the data, we used the medical records to know the data information on female breast cancer patients, by collaboration with of Bedje Sisters Public Hospitalise of Chlef (BSPHC) and the Oran Cancer Registry.

Results: We collected approximately 177 cases of female breast cancer, and approximately 601595 female populations during the year 2016 for Chlef region. The incidence rate is more than 29 cases of female breast cancer patients per 100000 female populations for each year. Female breast cancer patients of Chlef region is a major public health problem according to the 2016 study. Incidence rates this disease are greatly increased between 55 years and 75 years old.

Conclusion: Prevention, early diagnostic and different care and treatment play an important role in reducing this chronic disease in this region and why not over the worldwide?