
Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture Research(JAHR)

ISSN: 2643-671X | DOI: 10.33140/JAHR

Impact Factor: 1.12*

Arthropod Biodiversity in Agricultural, Horticultural and Silvicultural Ecosystems with Special Reference to Spiders (Araneae) in Mid-hills of Meghalaya, India


Gogoi, J. and Ningthoujam, K.

Spiders are the Arthropod and belong to the Phylum: Arthropoda, Class: Arachnida, Order: Araneae. Their occurrence worldwide is about 30,000 species belonging to the 60 families. Totally 4023 arthropods were collected from Silvicul- tural, Horticultural and Agricultural ecosystem (Maize, Potato and Rice) which belonged to 14 orders and 85 Nos. of different families. Among the ecosystem maximum diversity found in Silvicultural followed by Horticultural and Agri- cultural ecosystem in terms of alpha diversity such as Shannon Wiener index Simpsons D, Species number, Margelef D, Equitability J, Berger Parker index, Maclntosch U, Brillouin level, Fisher Alpha, Q Statistic and beta diversity such as Whittaker Bw, Cody Bc, Routledge Br, Routledge Bi, Routledge Be and Wilson & Shmida Bt.