
Advances in Neurology and Neuroscience(AN)

ISSN: 2690-909X | DOI: 10.33140/AN

Impact Factor: 1.12

A Snapshot on Popular Beliefs and Misconceptions Associated With COVID-19 Pandemic


Shehroz Khan and Chanchal Maheshwari

Misinformation and misconceptions about certain diseases and infections have always triumphed in the world creating a sense of horror among people. Without proper guidance and counseling, ties with these myths cause panic and agitation giving an incentive to believe in them thoughtlessly. SARS-COV2, globally known as Coronavirus disease 19 emerged as a dreadful viral condition affecting millions of people all across the globe. With the rise in the frequency of cases of COVID-19, myths started to escalate resulting in a reduction in actually needed practices and precautionary measures. With passage of time various facts and invalid information has emerged disrupting the course of life. This paper highlights the role of misconceptions that spread like wildfire during COVID-19 pandemic.