
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

A neurological communication model between brain and stomach/ liver/pancreas via central nervous system regarding postprandial plasma glucose production using GH- Method: Math-Physical Medicine and viscoelastic energy method (No. 948, VMT#347,10/30/2023)


Gerald C Hsu

The author has developed an AI software tool grounded in optical physics theory and linear elasticity engineering theory. This AI research tool accurately estimates his carbohydrate and sugar intake amount with a 95% prediction accuracy and the predicted value of his post-meal glucose (PPG) levels with a remarkable 99.7% prediction accuracy. This accomplishment is based on an extensive dataset of nearly 9,594 collected meal photos, along with other associated data, such as post-meal walking steps.

Over a four-year period from 9/25/2019 to 10/29/2023, the author has authored over a dozen papers that delve into the intricate neurological communication model between the brain, stomach, liver, and pancreas through the central nervous system. These research papers specifically focus on two distinct food phases with identical nutritional ingredients: liquid eggs versus solid eggs. Each paper utilizes varying dataset sizes, with the most recent paper featuring the largest dataset. Remarkably, all these research papers consistently draw the same conclusion: the brain indeed communicates with the stomach, liver, and pancreas via the central nervous system regarding glucose and insulin levels, as evidenced in both peak PPG and averaged PPG.

Notably, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) in the early morning serves as the baseline for our PPG formation and it also reflects the overall health status of our pancreatic beta cells. In this particular research, paper number 948, the author found that FPG levels for solid eggs and liquid eggs were nearly identical, at 97.57 mg/dL and 97.97 mg/dL, respectively.

The author is a 28-year veteran of severe type 2 diabetes (T2D) who, since 12/8/2015, has effectively managed his T2D conditions without any diabetic medications, relying on a rigorous lifestyle management program exclusively. As a result, his daily glucose levels have significantly improved, decreasing from 280 mg/ dL (with an A1C of 11.4%) in 2010 to 100 mg/dL (with an A1C of 6.1%) in 2023. A notable accomplishment in his glucose management is the application of a food consumption method derived from his own neurology research, allowing him to "trick" his brain into lowering his PPG levels by choosing egg drop soups over pan-fried eggs or hardboiled eggs.

This particular paper extends the author's ongoing research into the energies associated with both solid eggs and liquid eggs using spacedomain viscoelastic medicine theory (SD-VMT) methodology. It provides compelling evidence that aligns with the author's intuition that liquid meals possess a noticeable lower energy level, causing less internal organ damage and, consequently, a reduced risk of diseases.