
International Journal of Psychiatry(IJP)

ISSN: 2475-5435 | DOI: 10.33140/IJP

Impact Factor: 1.85

A Comparative Study on Perceived Stress among Patients with Chronic Mental Illness, Caregivers of the Patients, and Normal Control


Ram Sakal Hansdah, Ramesh Kumar Hembram and Anukaran Purty

Chronic mental illness refers to persistent mental health conditions that typically last for an extended period, often for a year or longer, and can significantly impact an individual's daily functioning, well-being, and overall quality of life. Unlike acute conditions that may have a more temporary and episodic nature, chronic mental illnesses require ongoing management, treatment, and support. Chronic mental illness can have a wide range of consequences, affecting various aspects of an individual's life. The impact can be profound, not only on the person directly experiencing the mental illness but also on their relationships, work, and overall quality of life. Perceived stress is one of the most frequently reported in persons with chronic mental illness. Therefore, we compared the degree of perceived stress in patients, caregivers, and normal controls.