
Cardiology: Open Access(COA)

ISSN: 2476-230X | DOI: 10.33140/COA

Impact Factor: 1.85*

A Booby Trap Mitral Valve


Ahmed Al Bulushi, Ahmed Hashim Gurani, Abdolazeem Elnour

The mitral valve and the mitral annulus can be considered a surgical trap by many uncommon surgical situations mainly in infective endocarditis, previous surgical intervention of the mitral valve, and/or calcification. All these scenarios can create a dangerous surgical Pathways and difficulties in replacing a prosthetic valve or annuloplasty ring. All mitral structural unit can be affected such as anterior or posterior mitral annulus, intervalvar fibrous body, sub-annular and Supra-annular tissues. This type of damage to the mitral valve can cause and lead to surgical challenges to any cardiac surgeons. We are presenting a case which reflects all these challenges clinically and surgically and our novel technique (modified anterior atrium sliding technique that we used to deal with it).