
Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography(JMSRO)

ISSN: 2642-9020 | DOI: 10.33140/JMSRO

Impact Factor: 1.8

A 1,470-Year Astronomical Cycle and Its Effect on Earth’s Climate


Eugene Charles Cook

Earth’s millennial climate warming cycle has been studied by scientists for decades, but its cause has been lacking. It warms the Earth for several hundred years and melts some of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. This analysis found that the cycle is caused by the astronomical conjunction of the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. The current cycle started warming the Earth in the year 1791 and will probably reach peak temperature in approximately year 2060 at the next Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune conjunction. Then it will cause cooling oscillations for the rest of the cycle when the heat from the cycle is reduced.