
Journal of Applied Material Science & Engineering Research(AMSE)

ISSN: 2689-1204 | DOI: 10.33140/AMSE

Impact Factor: 1.08

Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #33): Applying VGT and Viscoelastic Perturbation Model and Using the Combined Values from Carbs/ Sugar Intake Amount with GH.p-Modulus and Post-Meal Walking k-Steps with GH.w-Modulus as the Constant Viscosity Factor to Predict the K-line PPG Values from 8/8/2018 to 2/25/2022 Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 614)


Gerald C Hsu

GGerald C Hsu .(2022). Viscoelastic and Viscoplastic Glucose Theory (VGT #33): Applying VGT and Viscoelastic Perturbation Model and Using the Combined Values from Carbs/Sugar Intake Amount with GH.p-Modulus and Post-Meal Walking k-Steps with GH.w-Modulus as the Constant Viscosity Factor to Predict the K-line PPG Values from 8/8/2018 to 2/25/2022 Based on GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 614). J App Mat Sci & Engg Res, 6(2), 01-07.

Abstract PDF