
International Journal of Orthopaedics Research(IJOR)

ISSN: 2690-9189 | DOI: 10.33140/IJOR

Impact Factor: 1.62

Schizas Classification As A Predictor of Complications In Patients Undergoing Over-The-Top Lumbar Decompression


Cuauhtemoc Gil Ortiz Mejia, Apolinar De La Luz Lagunas, Andres Jaime Aguirre, Leslie P. Zuniga Macias and Cesar Ivan Hernandez Zamora

Mejia, C. G. O., Lagunas, A. D. L., Aguirre, A. J., Macias, L. P. Z., Zamora, C. I. H. (2023). Schizas Classification As A Predictor of Complications In Patients Undergoing Over-The-Top Lumbar Decompression. Int J Ortho Res, 6(4), 116-120.

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