
International Journal of Women's Health Care(IJWHC)

ISSN: 2573-9506 | DOI: 10.33140/IJWHC

Impact Factor: 1.011*

Investigate the Challenges and Opportunities of Female Headed Households and Women Farmers in Male-Headed Households in Non-Agricultural Livelihood Diversification Strategies: The Case of Shebel Berenta District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia


Eyayu Kasseye Bayu

Eyayu Kasseye Bayu (2021) Investigate the Challenges and Opportunities of Female Headed Households and Women Farmers in Male-Headed Households in Non-Agricultural Livelihood Diversification Strategies: The Case of Shebel Berenta District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. International Journal of Women's Health Care 6(1): 105-118.

Abstract PDF