
Earth & Environmental Science Research & Reviews(EESRR)

ISSN: 2639-7455 | DOI: 10.33140/EESRR

Impact Factor: 1.69*

Complex Hydrological Regimes, and Processes, In the Negev Arid Area, Israel


Aaron Yair, Hanoch Lavee, Adar Kossovsky, Naama Raz Yassif and Naftali Goldsheger

Yair, A., Lavee, H., Kossovsky, A., Yassif, N. R., Goldsheger, N, et al. (2024). Complex hydrological regimes, and processes, in the Negev arid area, Israel. Earth Envi Scie Res & Rev, 7(1), 01-12.

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