
Insights of Herbal Medicine(IHM)

ISSN: 2834-7749 | DOI: 10.33140/IHM

Comparative Proximate Analysis of Citrullus Collocynthis (Melon) and Prosopis Africana (Mesquite)


S.C. Ugoh, J.C. Ogbu, B.E. Adetoun1, J.T. Odusanya and P.C. Nwosu

Ogbu, J. C., Ugoh, S. C., Adetoun, B. E., Odusanya, J. T., Nwosu, P. C. (2024). Comparative Proximate Analysis of Citrullus Collocynthis (Melon) and Prosopis Africana (Mesquite). Insights Herbal Med, 3(1), 01-04.

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